
What are cookies?

Cookies are little text files given to your browser by a website that you visited. They serve that website to not forget information about your visit, which can both make it simpler to visit the site again and make the site more helpful to you.

Our Use of Cookies

Cookies might be used by us to provide a more effective and customized user experience. They allow us to identify you when you revisit our website by saving information about what you like to do.

We use them to ensure that you are signed in after entering your username and password and navigating to another page. They also make it possible for us to produce visitor statistics. This enables us to continuously improve our services and website. 

Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

We use cookies on our website, not the yummy ones, but the internet type. They help us make your experience better. Our website uses cookies for analytics and functionality. You agree to the use of these technologies by using our website. You can easily manage your cookie preferences through the browser settings. A cookie does not give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you want to share with us. 

Different types of cookies and their function

Session Cookies:

Session cookies expire when the user closes their browser, making them temporary. They are used to keep a session state and monitor user activities while browsing. They may be necessary for the operation of specific website functions, including preserving a user’s login status or the items inside of a shopping cart. 

Persistent Cookies:

Persistent cookies, unlike session cookies, remain on the user’s device after the browser is closed. They have an expiration date determined by the website. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including remembering login credentials and preferences, as well as evaluating user behavior over time. 

CMS-Specific Session Cookies:

Content Management System (CMS) specific session cookies are similar to regular session cookies but are especially used by a CMS platform to handle user sessions and give personalized content or functionality within the CMS environment.

Google Analytics (Third-Party) Cookies:

Cookies from Google Analytics are used to gather data about how people use the website. They analyze data like the total number of visitors, their location, their browsing habits, and the pages they visit. Website owners utilize this data to assess and improve website performance and user experience.

Google Ads:

Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) uses cookies to track user interactions with ads performed on Google’s advertising network. These cookies activate features like remarketing, conversion tracking, and targeting of ads depending on user interests or behavior across websites that take part in Google’s ad network.

Third-Party Cookies (e.g., YouTube, Twitter):

Cookies from websites other than the one the user currently browses on are known as third-party cookies. For example, when embedding a YouTube video or viewing Twitter feeds on a website, cookies from YouTube or Twitter may be set to monitor user interactions with embedded content or to give targeted advertising depending on user interests.

Every type of cookie has a distinct purpose, such as improving the performance of websites, customizing user experiences, or supporting online analytics and advertising. However, their use and implications for user privacy have received greater attention, resulting in modifications to rules and browser policies limiting cookie permission and tracking techniques. 

Privacy Policy 

Welcome to Sphynx Bed – Your Ideal Bed Destination!

At Sphynx Bed, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We care about your privacy, and we want you to feel secure while enjoying our fantastic beds. This Privacy Policy’s main features are information we collect, use, and protect your personal information. You consent to the practices explained in this policy by using our website.

Information We Collect:

We might collect various types of information which include:

  • Personal information (name, address, contact details)
  • Payment information for order processing
  • Data collected through cookies and similar technologies

How we collect Data

We use the following methods to gather Data: 

  • Data provided by you
  • Data is automatically gathered

Non-personal identification information

  • We may gather non-personal identifying data regarding Users when they use our website. Technical details regarding the user’s method of access to our site, such as the operating system and Internet service provider used, and other comparable data, may be included in non-personal identifying information along with the name of the browser and the type of computer.

How We Use Your Information:

Your information may be utilized by us for the following purposes: 

  • Completing and delivering your orders 
  • Answering questions while assisting customers 
  • Delivering order updates and relevant discussions 
  • Improving our services and website 
  • With your permission, marketing and promotional initiatives 
  • To conduct transactions
  • To send periodic texts or emails 

Approval of Order

  • If we approve your order, we will send you a confirmation email. Upon receiving an email order confirmation from you, we will consider your order accepted and will enter into a contract with us to sell the items you requested, according to these terms. While we will always try to fulfill the requirements of your order upon such acceptance, there may be times after confirmation when we are unable to ship products due to unavailability (of which we were unaware at the time of order confirmation). If this is the case, we will contact you as soon as possible and return the money for the inaccessible products to your card or account. 


  • If you pay a deposit for your order, you should be informed that the money is non-refundable if you withdraw or return the product at a later time. If we cancel your order because a product is not available or there is a pricing or offer error, your deposit will be refunded.

Payment and Financial Information:

  • A reliable third party handles the secure processing of your financial information. On our servers, we do not save any financial information. 

Data Security:

  • We hold industry-standard security measures to save your information. It consists of secure sockets layer (SSL) technology, encryption, and regular security audits. We approve proper data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures to secure against unauthorized access, disclosure,  alteration, or destruction of your personal information, password, username, transaction information, and data stored on our website. Private and sensitive data swap between the Site and its Users occurs over an SSL-secured communication channel and is encrypted and secured with digital signatures.

Third-Party Sharing:

  • We might share your information with trusted third parties, such as shipping partners and marketing platforms, to improve our services. We make sure that these parties stick to strict privacy and security standards.

User Choices and Control:

  • You can easily access, update, or delete your personal information. You can organize your communication preferences, including deciding on marketing emails.


  • We can send you the necessary messages related to your orders. You can select out of non-essential marketing communications.

Compliance with Laws:

  • We are determined to accept all appropriate privacy laws and regulations.

Let’s Chat:

  • If you have any questions or issues regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at +44 7398 862052.

Thank you for choosing Sphynx Bed for your bed needs!